Day Trip to Paynes Prairie Recap

by Juli deGrummond

Eleven birders joined Juli deGrummond for this fun road trip and day of birding.

We assembled in the Village Commons parking lot as we made introductions and detailed the planned stops. Our first stop was Rest Stop 265 which had been hit hard by Hurricane Idilia. Our target bird here was the White-winged Dove which has an established population at this location. In spite of the destruction we were able to locate two of the doves which gave good looks to all members of our group. Next we headed to the Main Entrance of Paynes Prairie State Park. As soon as we pulled in and got out of the car we were spotting birds in the trees. A Summer Tanager feasted on a dragonfly right overhead while Red-eyed Vireos moved stealthily through the trees making brief appearances for the watchful observers. We moved to the Welcome Center where we set up scopes on the back balcony overlooking the prairie and immediately spotted our main target bird, the Whooping Crane. The crane moved through the tall grass popping in and out of view as it fed around and amongst one of the herds of wild horses! Then we moved on to the nearby observation tower where we were able to see out across the prairie and get a great overview of this unique and expansive habitat. From the tower we could see more of the wild horses as well as some of the wild bison that live here. To add to the enjoyment of seeing these amazing creatures, many of us took pleasure in seeing Cattle Egrets ride on the backs of both the horses and the bison. As we stood enjoying the view a pair of Bald Eagles circled overhead along with Turkey Vultures and a Red-shouldered Hawk.

Our next stop was Bolen Bluff Trail which is a part of the state park that is outside of the main entrance. Bolen Bluff Trail features well developed trails that lead through a shady old-growth forest that is a great stopping point for migrants that are headed to their winter homes. Our highlights here included a Prothonotary Warbler, a Blue-winged Warbler, a Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Yellow-throated Warblers, and lots of other expected participants in fall mixed flocks.

The final stop in this adventure was the Ecopassage Observation Boardwalk which is located directly off 441. This little boardwalk gives a great look at the vast expansive prairie which extends far and wide on both sides of 441. Here we had great views of Snail Kites. We saw some of the regular lake inhabitants like Bald Eagles, Osprey, Anhinga, Double-crested Cormorants, Purple Gallinule, and Yellow Warblers, as well as American Alligators.

We have a fantastic variety of upcoming guided field trips that are free to the public. Take a look at the field trips listed on our website and sign up for one that interests you!

Lights, Camera, Birding!

by James Huffstodt

Life-long bird lover Juli deGrummond of Tallahassee invited birdwatchers from around the world to come and see Florida’s fabulous birds in a June 28 video shoot at Torreya State Park.

Video crew shooting video of Juli

“Come to Florida and enjoy its abundant, varied, and beautiful bird life,” she said.

The video was made with the cooperation of Apalachee Audubon for VISIT FLORIDA, the state’s official tourism marketing firm, serving as Florida’s official information source for visitors from across the globe. The birding video is part of their effort to encourage Florida eco-tourism.

The one-minute spot will most likely be featured on YouTube, Facebook, and other major social media outlets sometime in the next year. The message emphasizes that Florida not only offers beautiful beaches and popular theme parks but also some of the best birding in North America.

Juli deGrummond smiling for the camera

Juli was interviewed atop the bluff overlooking the Apalachicola River on a blistering hot and humid day. The shoot was conducted by Orange Video, LLC of Tallahassee under contract to VISIT FLORIDA.

The crew consisted of Orange Video Producer-Partner Vy Nguyen, a Florida State University (FSU) graduate who majored in media design; and Cinematographer-Partner Ethan Caswell, also an FSU graduate who majored in graphic art.

Video drone in the air

During the interview a Florida summer resident, a Red-eyed Vireo, sat atop a nearby tree snag perhaps nodding in agreement with the message of welcome to the world’s bird lovers.

Once the interview was complete cinematographer Caswell shot extensive background video of deGrummond leading several other Apalachee Audubon members on a winding hike down a steep trail leading to the river bottom 150 feet below. He also piloted a radio-controlled camera drone to capture dramatic footage of the scenic Apalachicola River valley.

Kathleen and James Carr, birding for the video shoot

Participants included AAS members Kathleen Carr, James Carr, and Jim Huffstodt, all of Tallahassee. Other participants that sultry morning were 13 species of birds, including a Mississippi Kite, Great Crested Flycatcher, a Hooded Warbler, and the Red-eyed Vireo.

Torreya State Park in Liberty County consists of 13,000 acres along the scenic Apalachicola River bluff near Bristol, Florida about 50 miles west of Tallahassee. The site offers some of the best birding in the Florida Panhandle hosting more than 100 different species during the year.

The park was one of the first in Florida developed by the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) during the Great Depression of the 1930s. The park’s name stems from an endangered Florida Evergreen tree, Torreya taxifolia, honoring noted American botanist John Torrey.

James Huffstodt

Jim is an AAS member and author of The Man Who Loved Birds: Pioneer Ornithologist Dr. Frank M. Chapman, 1864-1945.

My Experience as an Audubon CLI Student/Intern, by Christian Watson-Kerr

My name is Christian Watson-Kerr, and I am from Broward County, Florida. Currently, I’m enrolled as a fourth-year Animal Science, pre-veterinary major at Florida A&M University. From October 2022 to May 2023, I had the incredible opportunity to work with Apalachee Audubon as part of Audubon Florida's Conservation Leadership Initiative (CLI) program, and served as an intern for the chapter as well. I immersed myself in a variety of tasks and I am eager to share my journey and the valuable insights I gained during my first year with this organization.

During my internship with Apalachee Audubon, I had the privilege of contributing to my community and the organization in various ways. From acting as a social media manager, creating graphics for events and announcements, to joining the Pineview Elementary Bird Club and working with third grade students after school, I immersed myself in a range of activities aimed at promoting environmental stewardship.

Volunteer team for the Pineview Elementary After School Bird Club. Left to right: Cindy Baisden, Charlie Baisden, James Carr, Christian Watson-Kerr, David Arnold, Bryan Danford, Robin Will.

Checking a bluebird nest box at the Joe Budd Youth Conservation Center in Midway, Florida.

Volunteering at events such as the Wildlife, Heritage & Outdoors Festival and the City of Tallahassee's Arbor Day tree planting further deepened my understanding of the importance of community involvement in conservation efforts. Additionally, engaging in bluebird nest box monitoring at the Joe Budd Youth Conservation Center allowed me to observe and report on bluebird nest box activity, contributing to our understanding of the local bird population and activity.

Beyond the tangible tasks and responsibilities, my experience with Apalachee Audubon had a profound impact on me personally. It went far beyond what can be conveyed on paper. Working closely with my chapter and forming a strong relationship with my mentor allowed me to grow not only as a conservationist but also as an individual.

Arbor Day tree planting at Governor’s Park.

I am incredibly grateful to be a part of Apalachee Audubon, as the lessons learned, the people I met, and the self-growth I experienced have been truly transformative. This opportunity has been very special to me, especially in hindsight. Looking back, I am proud of the accomplishments along the way and the person that this program has made me today.

In conclusion, the impact of my involvement with Apalachee Audubon goes far beyond the tasks and responsibilities. It has shaped me into the person I am today, instilling in me a deep appreciation for environmental stewardship and fostering a strong connection to nature and the community. The experiences, lessons learned, and personal growth I have gained through this program are invaluable to me. I am truly grateful for the opportunity to be part of Apalachee Audubon and the lasting impact it has had on my life.

CLI special project—planting native Passion Vines at Governor’s Park. Click photo to see a YouTube video of the project.

Passion Vine Planting Team. Left to right: James Carr, Christian Watson-Kerr, Kejuan Bennett, Amina Waithe.

2023 Osprey Nest

Watch this space for updates on the re-nesting attempts by a Tallahassee Osprey pair whose favorite nest site was removed over the winter of 2022-2023. Banner photo by Edward Munoz/Audubon Photography Awards.

Click for the latest Nest-building Updates

Kudos to AAS member Sue Hansen and the City of Tallahassee! Sue has been strongly advocating for a pair of Ospreys who lost their long-standing nest site over the winter while they were away on migration. They had been using a cell tower (seen in the background of this photo) and when it was decommissioned the structure the birds built on was removed. Over the winter, Sue brought the matter to the attention of the City, which owns the site. In response, City staff installed two alternative nesting platforms, one next to the tower, which remains, and another a short distance away.

The Ospreys arrived back from migration the second week of February and have been VERY puzzled by the change at the tower and are doing their best to start a nest (see photo below). Here's hoping that they will eventually find the other platforms appealing and put them to good use!

Sue Hansen, with the former cell tower, and favorite nesting site for a pair of Ospreys, in the background. Photo by Kathleen Carr.

New nesting platform, set up near the tower. Photo by Kathleen Carr.

New nesting platform set up farther away from the tower. Photo by Kathleen Carr.

Nest-building Updates

April 1, 2023

Just before the video below was recorded, the male was seen flying in with a large stick. The two birds sat together for about 10 minutes, then mated and the male flew off--perhaps in search of another stick. Did not see any brooding behavior by the female. Photo and video by Kathleen Carr.

The Osprey pair sitting on their nest, rebuilt on a different corner of the tower after their first nest was blown down on March 10. The male had just flown in carrying a large branch for the nest.

March 17, 2023

Persistence! The Osprey pair has rebuilt the nest, on the corner diagonally across from the original nest, and seem determined to use this site, even though there are two alternate nesting platforms available nearby. Photo and video by Kathleen Carr.

March 10, 2023

The nest appeared to be in good shape this morning and it appeared that the female might be brooding. One bird was settled in on the nest when the video below was recorded that morning. Four hours later, after a storm had moved through the area, the nest had completely fallen apart. Below, before and after photos and video recorded that morning (by Kathleen Carr).

The nest, before and after it was hit by a storm. The image on the left—with one osprey, presumably the female, sitting in it—was taken around 10:30 AM, the image on the right was taken at about 2:30 PM. Left photo by Kathleen Carr. Right photo by Sue Hansen.

March 2, 2023

The Osprey pair had been making feeble attempts at nest building since their arrival in mid-February, but by March 2 they were building in earnest—and mating! Video recorded March 2, 2023 by Kathleen Carr.

March 1, 2023

The Ospreys have been making progress with their nest building! Photo taken March 1, 2023 by Kathleen Carr.

February 15, 2023

With not much to build on, the Osprey pair is trying to make a go of the tower as a nest site. Photo taken February 15, 2023 by Kathleen Carr.

White Wagtail in Tallahassee!

Cover photo by Eliza Hawkins

White Wagtail photo by Eliza Hawkins

Click for updates
(updated February 16, 2023)

What’s black and white—with some gray—and constantly waggles its tail? No bird you’d expect to see in Florida!

On November 27, 2022 AAS member Juli deGrummond and her husband were birding at Lake Elberta Park in Tallahassee when she saw a bird she’d never seen before—a White Wagtail (Motacilla alba). While this is a common bird throughout the eurasian continent and parts of North Africa, it most definitely is a rare bird when found in North America. It’s so rare that birders consider it a mega-rarity!

The first sighting was at Lake Elberta Park on Thanksgiving Day, November 24, but it wasn’t identified until Juli posted the ID in her eBird checklist and word got around. Since then, the bird has been visiting the park and another nearby pond on Mill Street (the one south of Kissimmee Street) on a daily basis, the most recent being on November 30. As of that date, more than 50 checklists that include the wagtail have been submitted to eBird.

White Wagtail at Mill Street pond. Photo by Karen Willes

What is a wagtail? Where did it come from and how did it get here? Where can you find it? Come back to this page for more information and updates as this story develops. This bird may be here for the winter (We hope!) or just passing through. Only time will tell . . .

Birders from near and afar viewing the White Wagtail at Mill Street Pond. NOTE: This pond is south of the Junction Park pond (with an aerator). One person reported a sighting at Junction Park, but it’s been spending more time at the south pond. Photo by Eliza Hawkins

Location Updates

February 16, 2023: Ongoing episodes of rain have kept the mudflats at both Lake Elberta Park and the Mills Street pond flooded, which may have compelled the wagtail to forage elsewhere. Or he may have started his return migration.

February 8, 2023: Reported on eBird for the morning, just before 8:00 AM, at Lake Elberta Park.

February 6, 2023: Reported on eBird for the morning, seen at Lake Elberta Park. “Foraging on exposed mudflats on the west side of lake (north side of peninsula) when we arrived at 7:20 AM. Was still present at 8:00 AM when we departed.” Click to see Photo.

February 5, 2023: Intermittent rain events have kept the mudflats at Lake Elberta flooded and no eBird observations were reported between January 29 and February 4. Today, one eBirder posted his sighting, with photos, of the wagtail on an exposed area of dirt at Lake Elberta Park, seen around 7:30 AM. Click to see photo.

January 26, 2023: The mud flats are flooded from yesterday’s rain, but it was seen at Lake Elberta Park, around 11:30 AM, along the walking path, southwest corner, and flying down to and perching on weedy wrack.

White Wagtail perched on weedy wrack in the lake. Photo by Melanie Furr.

January 25, 2023: Heavy rains today as storms moved through the area. Bird’s foraging mudflats will likely flood. May or may not visit the park.

January 24, 2023: Clear sunny day. Wagtail was seen at Lake Elberta Park on the north side of the marshy spit around noon.

January 22, 2023: Observed at Lake Elberta Park on January 20 & 21. Heavy rain on January 22 will likely rule out any sightings at the park because the mud flats where the wagtail forages will be flooded. At the Mill St. Pond, it was seen on road parallel to pond.

January 17, 2023: Observed in the late afternoon at Lake Elberta Park.

January 14 & 15, 2023: The wagtail was sighted at Lake Elberta Park on these two dates between 3-5 PM. No eBirdreports filed since January 8 for the Mill Street pond. Video below shows the bird grooming, then in motion demonstrating its namesake tail wagging behavior.

January 1, 2023:
The wagtail is a continuing rarity at both Lake Elberta Park and the Mill St. Pond. It generally forages on the mudflats bordering the little peninsula at Lake Elberta in the early morning and visits the Mill St. Pond in the afternoon, seen at 3:45 PM on January 1.

Friday, December 2, Update
An eBird report this morning found the bird at the Mill Street Pond. Flew in from NW at 7:58 AM. In middle mudflat. Left around 8:20 AM.

Thursday, December 1 Update
Yesterday’s rain left the mud flats at Lake Elberta flooded, but the bird was seen that afternoon at the Mill Street pond. It was sighted at this location on this morning as well.

2022 AAS Conservation Grants

In March 2022, Apalachee Audubon awarded two grants of $500 each, for conservation projects in our six-county coverage area. Here are their reports, with photos, on how the money for each grant was spent.

Leon County Parks & Recreation

In collaboration with Apalachee Audubon Society, Leon County Parks & Recreation installed 8 Eastern screech owl nesting boxes and 12 blue bird nesting boxes. Leon County Parks & Recreation installed signs adjacent to the Eastern screech owl nesting boxes to engage and inform the public on the importance of wildlife conservation. The signs includes a QR code that directs the public to the Apalachee Audubon Society website, so that others can learn more information about the variety of bird species native to Florida. Our goal for education is to inspire and prepare the next generation of conservationists through inclusive and engaging learning environments. What better way, than to visit a local park and to see wildlife in their natural habitats!

Eastern screech owl boxes have been placed at the following parks:

  • J Lee Vause Park plus education sign

  • J R Alford Greenway plus education sign

  • Jackson View Park plus education sign

  • Pimlico Park plus education sign

  • Man O War plus education sign

  • Broadmoor Pond plus education sign

  • Kate Ireland plus education sign

  • Okeeheepkee Prairie Preserve plus education sign

Eastern bluebird nesting boxes have been placed at the following parks:

  • Rhoden Cove Landing (2)

  • Jackson View Park (2)

  • J Lee Vause Park (1)

  • Fort Braden Community Center and History Trail (3)

  • Coe Landing (1)

  • Williams Landing (1)

  • Pimlico Park (2)

We chose these parks for bluebird nesting sites because they don't seem to have a consistent population. Our hope is that with permanent nesting boxes it will increase the population.

Leon County Parks & recreation manages a robust bird program which includes Eastern bluebird boxes, purple martin gourds and now Eastern screech owl boxes. We hope to continue to support and increase our native bird populations.

Screech Owl nest box and interpretive sign at Lee Vause Park.

Eastern Bluebird nest box at Fort Braden Park

UF/IFAS Extension, Jefferson County

In March, the UF/IFAS Jefferson County Extension office was awarded a $500 grant from the Apalachee Audubon Society to install a native plant pollinator garden at the office property in the hopes of encouraging area residents to install their very own gardens and help our declining pollinator numbers. The project is ongoing with a few more pieces being added in the future including name placards with information on pollinators and a potential pond. We are hoping to use this garden for future pollinator inspired programs and as a demonstration piece for how to plant a backyard pollinator garden. It will also help area residents identify plants that would fit the climate of the area. Over the next several years we hope to add on to the garden and make it bigger and better.

We are excited to finally see the project coming to fruition and hope it will grow into an amazing feature of our office. Our hope is to inspire others to plant backyard pollinator gardens in help out pollinators and critters of all shapes and sizes. The Jefferson Extension Office would love partners to come out and add on to this wonderful garden or use it to educate others on how anyone can help pollinators. Come out to our office and check it out. It may inspire you to build your very own garden and be able to identify which plants to plant. Hope to see you soon!

The Man Who Loved Birds, by James T. Huffstodt

You can purchase the book, paperback or Kindle formats, from Amazon.

The Man Who Loved Birds, buy from Amazon

With the holiday shopping season approaching, we have a book recommendation for you, recently published by Apalachee Audubon member James Huffstodt of Tallahassee; it is the first comprehensive biography of Dr. Frank M. Chapman, the originator of the Christmas Bird Count and an iconic figure in the early days of the bird protection movement.

The Man Who Loved Birds: Pioneer Ornithologist Dr. Frank M. Chapman, 1864-1945 tells the story of this self-taught naturalist who never attended college yet made significant contributions as an ornithologist, popular bird writer, innovative museum curator, pioneer bird photographer, South American explorer, and bio-geographer. He also founded, published and edited Bird Lore magazine (1899-1934), the first popular American bird publication and the forerunner of today’s Audubon magazine.

During his 54-year-long career with the American Museum of Natural History in New York City, the New Jersey born Chapman was called the Dean of American Ornithologists and the Godfather of the modern birdwatching (birding) movement, Huffstodt said.

“Chapman’s life story is literally the history of American ornithology during an epic era lasting a half-century and marked by enormous changes and memorable achievements,” Huffstodt said. “He won international renown during a life of adventure and discovery played out from the frigid waters of the St. Lawrence in Canada to the high Andes mountains of South America.”

Chapman spent almost every winter in Florida beginning in 1885 until his death in 1945, according to his biographer. Over the years he conducted field expeditions into the Everglades, along the Suwannee River, and throughout Payne’s Prairie near Gainesville. He also played a key role in persuading President Theodore Roosevelt to designate Pelican Island on the Indian River Lagoon as the nation’s first National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in 1903.

Before retiring in 2004, author James T. Huffstodt worked as an information-education officer for 25 years, initially with the Illinois Department of Conservation, and, most recently for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission (FWC). Huffstodt is the author of four non-fiction books including Everglades Lawmen: True Stories of Game Wardens in the Glades, published by Pineapple Press of Sarasota in 2000.

He and his wife, Judy, have lived in Tallahassee since 2004.

Mike Miller (1945-2022): A Wild Remembrance, by Susan Cerulean

During the annual Winter Shorebird Survey, birders and biologists all over Florida put their binoculars together to see how the original snowbirds are doing on their wintering grounds.

Some years back, my assigned territory required a kayak trip about a mile offshore to Lanark Reef, a set of linear, tidally submerged sandbars in Franklin County. There's really nothing out there for people, but that sand means everything to the birds.

The task I shared with my new birding buddy, Mike Miller, was to tally the numbers of 25 potentially occurring shorebirds, taking special care with the rarest and most imperiled: the American oystercatcher, the red knot, and three kinds of plover.

I first met Mike on the Apalachicola/St. Vincent NWR Christmas Bird Count, back when Barbara Stedman ruled Territory 2. Five of us were assigned to Barbara and her truck. It was crowded inside, so Mike and I stood in the bed of the vehicle. If we’d see a good raptor or find ourselves driving through a feeding guild of songbirds, we’d pound on the roof so everyone could pile out and tally. In later years, after Barbara’s passing, I took over Territory 2, and Mike stayed on the team along with Grayal Farr and others.

Mike Miller could sure tell a story. He was a talker. His 70 plus years had been so rich and full and lucky. Driving to the coast, driving to a count, wherever we found ourselves among wild birds, he’d entertain me with stories about working in the Red Hills, his grandchildren, his writing for Florida Wildlife magazine and his time as a small business owner selling outdoor gear.

What we had most in common was a love of this place, our North Florida bioregion from the Red Hills to the Gulf of Mexico.

Mike Miller at his spotting scope

Mike had an eye for the winter ducks. Our team counted on him to fill out our waterfowl list. He’d never disappoint. When we’d survey Tahiti Beach on the east facing shore of St. Vincent, he’d melt into the palm and pine landscape and return with a sighting of a Sambar elk, and the gadwall that the rest of us had missed.

That day out on Lanark Reef, we saw so many birds probing and plucking in the shallow water that we had to take turns with the spotting scope to spell our eyes. We set up a grid: Mike would count everything between the boat ramp and the water tower, calling out what he saw. When he counted dunlin, the most numerous little shore bird on the reef, I’d have a long time to wait and look around.

"Ten.” Pause. “Twenty,” he reported. “Another 30.” Pause. Silence.

“Take your time,” I said, shifting from foot to foot on the sand, relishing the sun on my back and the silence. Enjoying my great good luck to be out there at all. I thought about how a few years ago, a Tallahassee developer proposed plans to develop this very set of sandbars into condos. With septic tanks. Our Audubon Society put up the bucks to buy the reef and saved it for these shorebirds, who cannot live without it.

Then it would be my turn to count.

It took us four hours to tot up the several thousand birds taking refuge on Lanark at low tide. Our conservative estimate of dunlins was 1300 individuals. We saw 307 marbled godwits (those glorious cinnamon feathered beauties!). More than I've ever seen in one place. Ever.

When the wind is shaking your spotting scope and the tide is aslosh at your feet, you want a buddy with Mike’s experience and enthusiasm to back up your Wilson’s plover count. That’s the kind of friend you want in your life, too. When COVID came to town, my circle of in person get togethers contracted. I didn’t see Mike for two and a half years, and now he is gone.

With his passing, we have lost one of the too few naturalists who love this bioregion and keep it foremost in their commitments and activism. Weren’t we lucky to have him among for all this time?

Report from Rose Canyon, Arizona, by Don Morrow

Feature photo: Gila Woodpecker, by Don Morrow

We were dog sitting at my son’s place in Tucson while he was in Iceland. Behind his house there’s a desert wash full of mesquite and desert hackberry. On a July morning at first light, his back porch is a good place to enjoy a cup of coffee in the temporary coolness of a desert morning.

The wash is a bit of wild desert in suburban Tucson. It has Gambel’s quail, desert cottontails and javelinas, along with the bobcats and coyotes who hunt them. Costa’s Hummingbirds like to perch on the tallest hackberry stems, while Verdins and Lucy’s Warblers seem to prefer the mesquite. There’s a lone saguaro that is favored by a Gila Woodpecker. Everywhere there are White-winged Doves, flying, sitting or calling. Cooper’s Hawks frequently sweep through looking for them. I get to enjoy all of this from my son’s porch while drinking my morning coffee.

Costa’s Hummingbird, by Don Morrow

Tucson is not an old city. The Presidio San Augustin Del Tucson was established along the banks of the Santa Cruz River in 1776 as a walled fortress housing seventy-five Spanish soldiers, their officers and families. Probably no more than a few hundred people in total. It has grown significantly since then and now has more restaurants.

Tucson is surrounded by mountain ranges that rise up out of the Sonoran Desert. The largest range, the Santa Catalinas, is also the closest and forms the Northeast perimeter of the city. Today, the dog will enjoy one of her regularly scheduled stays at Dogtopia, visiting with her canine friends, and we will head into the Santa Catalinas to escape the desert heat and do some birding.

We’re headed for the upper slopes of Mount Lemmon. The mountain is known as Babad Do’ag or Frog Mountain by the Tohono O’odham Nation and may have had other names in the past. People have lived in the area for ten thousand years, but any former names have been lost to the mists of time along with their speakers. The current name references Sara Plummer Lemmon, a botanist, who in 1881 was the first white woman to reach the summit. She had been accompanied by her botanist husband -- it was their honeymoon trip -- and a local rancher who had volunteered to be their guide. Although this is the only mountain named for her, several plants and one plant genus, Plummera, also bear her name.

The bird species found in the mountain ranges of Southeastern Arizona are uniquely different from those in the surrounding deserts. We’ll have a chance for several dozen species, some of which are only found here.

Our specific birding goal was Rose Canyon, about twenty miles east of our son’s house and, at 7,000 above sea level, almost a mile higher. Pine Flycatchers are being seen there. Although recent sightings of this Mexican species have been spotty, birding is good there and it is worth the trip even if we don’t find Pine Flycatcher. By road, we will travel over forty miles to reach the canyon.

The last half hour of the drive to Rose Canyon covers seventeen miles of the serpentine Mount Lemmon Highway and passes through several different plant zones as it ascends the mountain. It starts at 2,500 foot altitude in desert scrub. Saguaros and ocotillo sprout from the exposed rock on the lower slopes of the mountain. By the time the road has climbed to four thousand feet, you’re in chaparral. The cacti are gone and there are scattered shrub live oaks and manzanita. The exposed areas are covered with grasses, dried out by the summer heat. Higher up, the chaparral blends into oak woodlands and, above six thousand feet, there is a thick coniferous forest of ponderosa pine with scattered Douglas fir and Gambel’s oak.

We arrived at the turnoff for Rose Canyon just after 8:00 am. The ponderosa pines here are old and, in most places, have no understory. The sparse ground cover beneath them lends a park-like feel to the surrounding woods. It’s cooler up here on the mountain, the temperature is in the low seventies and will only make it up to the mid-eighties later in the day. By the time we had driven the mile-and-a-half down to the parking area for Rose Lake, a dammed portion of the creek, we had already seen Western Bluebird, Yellow-eyed Junco and Western Tanager.

Yellow-eyed Junco, by Don Morrow

There are a number of camping areas along the entrance road. The Pine Flycatchers had been seen near the last camping area, Black Bear Flat, which sits between the road and Rose Creek about a quarter mile before the end of the road. Earlier in the summer, the flycatchers had nested on the hillside across the creek from the campground.

We decided to walk up the creek bed to get to Black Bear Flat. Rose Creek is not a perennial stream. It is monsoon season in Arizona, a season with occasional afternoon downpours, and a recent storm has left scattered puddles and pools in the creek bed. There is intermittent vegetation growing along the shallow creek and we alternate walking in the creek and on the narrow trail that closely follows it.

Acorn Woodpecker, by Don Morrow

By the time we had gone a few hundred feet, we had seen Spotted Towhees and Acorn Woodpeckers. Broad-tailed Hummingbirds were feeding on the flowers of red penstemon. Most of the birds that we saw were flitting about in the patches of box elder growing along the creek. We kept getting distracted by Yellow-eyed Juncos, which popped up everywhere. Things were getting intense. We ran into Grace’s and Virginia Warbler, multiple vireo species; Plumbeous, Warbling and Hutton’s, and both White-breasted and Pygmy Nuthatch.

Grace’s Warbler, by Don Morrow

My wife called me over to look at a flycatcher. Pine Flycatchers are very similar to Cordilleran Flycatchers. We decided that it was a Cordilleran and not a Pine. While watching it we noticed a family of Black-throated Gray Warblers that were working through the low vegetation. Looking up, I saw two raptors in an open patch of clear blue mountain sky. They were black, broad-winged with short tails that had distinctive black and white bands, Common Black Hawks.

Common Black Hawk, by Don Morrow

Up on the hillside above the Black Bear Flat campground we started running into birders and exchanged notes with them. We learned that there were no Pine Flycatcher sightings yesterday and only one report of a heard-bird early this morning.

We spent some time looking and then decided to go downslope to Rose Lake and try for the flycatcher again later. As we followed the creek down, high up in a pine, a Painted Redstart was displaying. A small black warbler with a bright red chest and belly, it repeatedly spread its tail and wings, revealing white wing patches and tail edges. Down at the lake, there were several Mallards and a pair of Violet-green Swallows were sweeping low over the water. We also found American Robins, but otherwise we saw only the same species that we had been seeing.

We worked our way back up the creek for a second try at Pine Flycatcher. It was now late morning and birding was starting to slow down. We had continued to run into flycatchers, but they were all Cordilleran. We did come across a family of Red-faced Warblers, more Western Tanagers and many more birders. The American Birding Association’s youth birding group, Camp Chiricahua, was out looking for the bird. No one reported having seen Pine Flycatcher.

Red-faced Warbler, by Don Morrow

We gave up on the Pine Flycatcher and walked down the entrance road to our car to grab lunch. A Hairy Woodpecker was working on a cavity in a ponderosa pine and a Black-headed Grosbeak flew by our picnic table as we ate our sandwiches. With a long drive ahead of us and a need to pick up the dog, we decided that it was time to head home.

As we drove down the mountain, we made a few random stops to look for birds, but added only Steller’s Jay and Mexican Jay to our trip list. Despite missing the Pine Flycatcher and a few other species that would have been good, like Hermit Warbler and Greater Pewee, it had been a good day of birding.

By the time we picked up the dog and got back to our son’s house it was 3:00 pm. The White-winged Doves were still flying around in the wash in the 108° heat on a Tucson afternoon in July.

Backyard Baby Birds and More

By Kathleen Carr

NOTE: This blog article isn’t quite done yet. Check back to learn about our double-decker chickadee-bluebird nest and see photos and videos of some of our baby birds.

Before diving into the baby bird topic, I have to share an observation of a Brown Thrasher behavior I’ve never seen before. Click the image below to watch the video on my YouTube channel.

Snake! Brown Thrashers display at and harass a snake

Snake! Brown Thrashers display at and harass a snake

On May 25, 2022, I saw our Brown Thrasher pair doing an elaborate raised wing display in the back flower bed and immediately started recording video. (Camcorder is mounted on a tripod in the kitchen window, always ready to record.) When I opened it in iMovie to process it for uploading, I was shocked to discover that the cause of the display was a snake gliding across the flower bed! Click Watch for it about 20 seconds into the video, towards the bottom of the frame, as the head of the snake comes into view and it moves to the left, all the while being harassed by the two thrashers.


Since mid-February our front and back yards and feeders have been busy with breeding birds. Since mid-April, when our nest of five Carolina Chickadees fledged from our bluebird nest box, baby birds have been seen and heard everywhere! This is the first year I’ve kept track of the baby birds in our backyard nursery and I was surprise at how many species we’re seeing! At last count, we’ve seen 11 species of baby or immature birds, and I’m certain other birds that I’m seeing and hearing are breeding nearby.

Yard babies:

  1. Carolina Chickadee

  2. Carolina Wren

  3. Downy Woodpecker

  4. Eastern Towhee

  5. Eastern Bluebird

  6. Northern Cardinal

  7. Pine Warbler

  8. Red-bellied Woodpecker

  9. Summer Tanager

  10. Tufted Titmouse

  11. White-breasted Nuthatch

Possible nearby breeders:

  1. Brown Thrasher

  2. Fish Crow

  3. Great Crested Flycatcher

  4. Mourning Dove

  5. Northern Parula

  6. Red-shouldered Hawk

  7. Yellow-throated Vireo