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Potluck Picnic at Tall Timbers: Firebirds and the History of the Stoddard Bird Program with Jim Cox


4:00 PM, Informal birding & socializing (Bring your binoculars!)

5:30 PM, Dinner

6:15 PM, Presentation

Bring your own dishes and eating utensils!

Rather than our usual Annual Year End Banquet, we are having a Potluck Picnic at Tall Timbers Research Center followed by a program by Jim Cox, Director of the Stoddard Bird Lab at Tall Timbers, and longtime Apalachee Audubon Society member. The lab studies rare and declining birds with a goal of finding ways to stabilize or grow populations. Many studies focus on the use of prescribed fire to maintain suitable habitat, but translocation and captive breeding have also been studied. Current projects focus on Red-cockaded Woodpecker, Black Rail, Bachman’s Sparrow, Brown-headed Nuthatch, and Grasshopper Sparrow. The lab also uses the Wade Tract, a rare old-growth longleaf pine forest, to assess the ecology of pineland species in a setting that mirrors historic conditions.

Here are the logistics:

GATHER at Tall Timbers as early as 4:00 PM for informal birding and socializing. Do bring your binoculars!

SUPPER will be served at 5:30 PM so please have your covered dish, one per person or family, there by that time. Please bring a serving spoon. Label your serving dishes and spoons. Please also bring an index card with the name of your covered dish. Mention on the card whether it is vegan, vegetarian, gluten free or if it has nuts in it. AAS will supply ice cold minted water, sparkling water and beer.

LET’S SEE HOW LITTLE WASTE WE GENERATE Each person should bring their own plate, bowl, utensils and cup or water bottle. If you forget, we will have extras on hand. We also recommend bringing a cloth napkin and a washable cloth bag in which to stow your used dishes. Sustainability starts with us. We’re looking forward to seeing you there.

Jim’s presentation will begin at 6:15 PM and you are welcome to join us for that if you can’t make it to the dinner.

Tall Timbers is located north of Tallahassee, Florida in Leon County. The address is:

13093 Henry Beadel Drive,

Tallahassee, FL 32312

Click to view a map.