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Birds and Wildlife on Florida Rivers with Doug Alderson


Visit the Apalachee Audubon YouTube Channel to view a recording of this program.

Imagine gliding along a clear watercourse beneath a leafy canopy of maple, cypress, and gum. The current swirls eelgrass in undulating patterns as schools of silvery mullet shoot past. Ahead, a manatee’s snout breaks the surface in a loud whoosh, its gray body lumbering slowly along and showing little fear as you pass by. A red-shouldered hawk cries and soars over treetops while a black anhinga stretches long wings to dry while perched on a cypress knee.

Florida’s rivers are steeped in natural and cultural history. They are avenues through time, and they are showcases for natural beauty, birds, and other wildlife. In this program, author Doug Alderson will show photos and share stories from his latest all-color book, Florida’s Rivers: A Celebration of Over 40 of the Sunshine State’s Dynamic Waterways, emphasizing why our rivers are to be enjoyed, protected, and restored.

Doug Alderson is the author of several books, including America’s AlligatorWild Florida Waters, Waters Less Traveled, New Dawn for the Kissimmee RiverEncounters with Florida’s Endangered Wildlife and A New Guide to Old Florida Attractions, which the Florida Writers Association placed in the top five of published books for 2017. He has won four first place Royal Palm Literary awards for travel books and several other state and national writing and photography awards. Additionally, his articles and photographs have been featured in numerous magazines.

Doug received the inaugural Environmental Service Award by Paddle Florida in 2015 “for conspicuous commitment, unflagging dedication and love of Florida’s natural environment.” For several years, he coordinated Florida’s designated paddling trail system and helped to establish the 1,515-mile Florida Circumnavigational Saltwater Paddling Trail. He is currently the Outreach and Advocacy Director for Apalachicola Riverkeeper.