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Ecology & Diversity of Shorebirds with Caroline Stahala


Visit the Apalachee Audubon YouTube Channel to view a recording of this program.

Our gulf and bay coastlines are home to an incredibly diverse bird assemblage or in some cases attract unique bird species.  We will take a tour of various sites along the Florida Panhandle coastline to visit some of these special places along with their avian inhabitants. We will also look at conservation efforts Audubon Florida is implementing to protect birds and their habitat in the area.  Although it is a challenging endeavor, conservation of bird habitats along our coast can be incredibly rewarding when you see successful nesting during the summer or birds returning to foraging sites during the winter.

Dr. Caroline Stahala is Audubon Florida's Coastal Bird Program Manager for the Florida Panhandle. Her focus is on helping local municipalities and property owners implement seabird conservation measures, educating locals, and garnering support for local nesting and wintering seabirds. Caroline has been involved in various bird conservation programs for over 20 years. She earned her Ph.D. from Florida State University in Ecology and Evolution where she focused on the behavioral ecology of the Bahama Parrot. Caroline also has experience working for national and international government organizations on bird related issues. She has worked on conservation issues for a broad range of bird species including, grassland sparrows, woodpecker species, parrots, seabirds, and shorebirds.